A little bit of this

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I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ugh. Why Does twilight exist?

" Twilight is a sniffly-nosed, dew-covered mope-fest filled with silence and shame.”
Janie Logan

Okay I wasn’t going to actually rant about twilight but a conversation with someone recently brought it on. I felt the need to strangle her to death with my bare hands and then possibly rip her heart out and throw it at Stephanie Meyers. A bit Dramatic? Stfu it's not enough to undo the damage she's caused. First off Let me tell you what made me want to physically harm this girl. I don't know how the conversation arose exactly, but I am pretty sure that it was because we drove past the movie theater and she was excited to see the new Twilight Saga film. I told her outright that twilight sucks, and she tried to tell me I wouldn't know because I've never read any books. BUT I HAVE to counter precise moments like these. I told her outright Stephanie Meyer is a teen girl at heart she saw Brad Pitt in plastic fangs and called it love at first sight. She took Interview with a vampire and Turned it into a teen girls Dream! The only thing Original about it (which is what gets me the most) Is that the Vampires Fucking Sparkle! What does that even MEAN!?
Of course that wasn't at all what I said to my not-so-much-friend-anymore (haha Thanks Twilight! Yet in all honestly I'm not that upset). I told her that Stephanie Meyer is a tasteless- talentless under educated idiot that found a get rich quick scheme and succeeded in doing so. She took the General mold of popular love stories and altered it slightly (by Changing the Genre) threw in some weak action and Voila! Twilight. I am definitely not saying it is the worst book out there because I have read some pretty bad ones. BUT. It is the worst written book to become un-imaginable popular. Stephanie writes like I did in sixth grade in using repetitive tones and descriptions to make the work go by faster. You want to know why all of the characters a loosely describe, it's because her vocabulary isn't large enough, her creative bank not rich enough to get past Brown and blonde!
"Bella is a dour, dreary blank-slate who can't get over the fact that her life is fine and dandy. Bella is rescued from her more-than-adequate existence after randomly finding the one boy in the world who she drives into an inexplicable sexual frenzy and is willing to pledge himself to her eternally. ...Bella wants desperately to abandon her perfectly acceptable life of being "run of the mill" and extend her languid existence until the end of time and space."
-Matt Fowler
Her writing aside.
I would also like to add that I do not enjoy reading stories or watching movies where under-aged kids have sex and bite each other. Why is a Fully grown woman ever writing that!? what's wrong with her!? Didn't we have this huge issue With Child porn and pedophiles? Why are we encouraging them now!?
IT's okay to watch this sixteen year old moan all over her vampire boyfriend. Really there's nothing wrong with that. really. I mean...REALLY!?
I really, really could potentially continue this argument but What I have to say has already been said numerous times. Stephanie Meyer has ruined any chances of children actually reading proper literature, knowing their mythology and fantasy' history- in one horrible series.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I have lots started But nothing Dunn

I keep finding new Projects to do, things I've been wanting to do in a while.
There really aren't enough hours in a day lol.
well I started this painting:

It took a little bit to start, but I'm getting frustrated with the details. So effin-many. Wuteves. I like it sofar
Oh and Like I said I cleaned my room. Found my old tatter LP poster. I haven't listened to them in years but I am just used to having this poster on my door. I got is six years ago I think. haha Yeah I love it.

Well my past couple months hasn't really consisted of much other than healing, Baking and Hiding my round face from the world. The day after (I shit you not) I had a fat-bastard face. It didn't help that my hair was red too. I remember looking in the bathroom mirror and standing there in shock. Had I not felt like puking I would have stood longer. Anesthetics do a number on your body Im just glad I hit the bed before I did vomit. after having Jaw surgery and not being able to open my mouth...ugh. gross. But now my stitches are pretty much all closed up, my face has shrunken mass amount and when I wake up in the morning I only sometimes feel like I've been hit by a truck.

Life is getting good.

I hev a new Face and Attitude!

That's what you expect to hear right? well...I'm almost the same.

I was playing around with Photoshop, I'm not really ready to post my face just yet. It's still a little swollen.
Hardly But I still do-not-want.
I've been working on new artworks and shyat all of them are in the process Including a mini-randomass comic I started back when I was 14-15
It's funny and dumb and I want to finish it.
Anyway. I have more to say but I want to finish cleaning my room.