A little bit of this

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I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I have lots started But nothing Dunn

I keep finding new Projects to do, things I've been wanting to do in a while.
There really aren't enough hours in a day lol.
well I started this painting:

It took a little bit to start, but I'm getting frustrated with the details. So effin-many. Wuteves. I like it sofar
Oh and Like I said I cleaned my room. Found my old tatter LP poster. I haven't listened to them in years but I am just used to having this poster on my door. I got is six years ago I think. haha Yeah I love it.

Well my past couple months hasn't really consisted of much other than healing, Baking and Hiding my round face from the world. The day after (I shit you not) I had a fat-bastard face. It didn't help that my hair was red too. I remember looking in the bathroom mirror and standing there in shock. Had I not felt like puking I would have stood longer. Anesthetics do a number on your body Im just glad I hit the bed before I did vomit. after having Jaw surgery and not being able to open my mouth...ugh. gross. But now my stitches are pretty much all closed up, my face has shrunken mass amount and when I wake up in the morning I only sometimes feel like I've been hit by a truck.

Life is getting good.

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