A little bit of this

My photo
I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Monday, November 7, 2011




Monday, April 4, 2011

New Beginning

So a lot has happened a lot is going to change. For the better? I don't know. SO I went to buffalo and the most amazing Forever 21 Store ever. Did I buy lots? Nuuuuuu-- but I got some bitchin new shoes.

Don't act like you're not impressed. Anyway in all honesty That is all completely irrelevant. I got a job after stressing for months, but not only did I get a job. I got a Fucking Amazing Job. I feel like one of those success posters of the guy leaving the office throwing his fist in the air his pores gushing SUCCESS. Wanna know what it is? Oh I'll tell you :3
So there is this Company called Arvato and their boss bought a company called Trion. Now Trion has an office in Kitchener because they made a game called Rift. Now rift was soo successful that they had to expand their customer service centers all over the woooorld. SO I applied because a friend let me know about it and I got hired as a bilingual GAME MASTER. I'm a Fucking GM.
I had my first day of training and practically jizzed every five minutes.
So thats the upside thats got me reeling, That and the fact I got the apartment situation all under control . Everything has fallen into place save for one thing.
I didn't get into illustration, but here's the hook. I don't care.
I don't I really don't give two flying fucks. I didn't get in I yelled at my portfolio score and said it was complete BS, because it was and then shrugged it off. They gave me such a low score it was absolutely ridiculous. Insulting in fact and I know for a fact that I don't suck. But it makes me wonder if they didn't fuck up because when I went and got my portfolio back they had mixed up my sketchbook. Soooo I just think that it's stupid. I'm probably not going to appeal because honestly right now I'm just concerned with freaking finishing my courses and GTFO. ha

I got my braces off

Imma be Rockin it.

Pet-Peeve section 7-4576: Selling Fan Art

So I've been seeing a lot of people sell fan art recently for ridiculous prices. It really gets to me. I mean Here is someone's character that they created and took the time to develop. Since I've had to do it myself I can vouch that normally it takes more than five minutes and you rarely get it right the first time. What I'm getting at essentially is: Fans are stealing this already made character from the original artist and reselling it!

I mean that's got to piss someone off. It's exactly like you make this amazing painting or song, whatever. You do pretty well with it. It gets out there and next thing you know people are duplicating it and making profit off something you labored over, Your sales diminish because nobody is buying the original posters when they can get fan-art for cheaper ect. You would be pissed and to say you wouldn't be irked is a bold faced lie.

I don't know exactly where I'm going with this. Maybe it's just the general frustration with the fact the the term artist is looser that a porn star's vag, and I only realized this after wasting two years of my life and ten grad trying to make it fit.

Or the fact that the concept of originality is so far gone that there is nothing left and I feel myself shrinking in size in the world of trend following Zombies (not saying I'm not one of them)

I don't fucking know. All I do know is I fucking hate fan art. And fuck you guys for not being able to create on your own work and need to make profit off others. Get fucked

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I got you Dancing

I am in such a Fantastic Mood!
Its been an on going thing! Unfortunately I have no Artwork with me because my internet is being a giant hoar. So I am in Commons at School right now and I forgot my USB.
But I have music to share!
That makes me really Happy and Inspired for Life! Listennnnnnn :)

I love Pogo and The Whatnots.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pull out Couch!- Valentines Shivers.

YEAAHHH. after a week or so of searching I found one AND HAVE IT. in my living room. Sure it's the ugliest thing ever, and looks like it's Arizona's Stately Colors. BUT HEY! it's mine and it has a pull out bed, for realz with a pretty new matressssss.
AND ON TOP OF THAT. I got a job interview!!! yaaaaaaaay :3 AT A BAKERY! best job everrrrrrr. I am so excited.
But even with those two extremely exciting and happy events on the horizon, I can't help but feel the merciless pressure of Valentines day. THe dumbest- not even a Holiday- Day of the year. I know it's all about sales and profit, nothing really to do with Love, just how much you can buy them. But still it kinda sucks because despite all the sales ploys and things they have all these couples specials and coupoly things and sometimes it just sucks. Soo in lightness of the (not even) Holiday, or more in spite I'm gonna stay up and watch zombie movies.
Here is a piece of Cheese My roommate Dez was cutting it stood on its own for about a whole minute and then fell over just as I thought to take a picture. Stupid cheese, you will amount to nothing more than a sandwich.
ANYWAY. I have some Portfolio stuff, and Im getting more and more, soon I'm going to have the room drawing finished because I said so.

Anyways here's some Life drawings. lol Be satisfied. Now here, oh Lol, here is some super emo but always good Linking Park with Valentines day.

LOL. Love ChesterBennignton


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rush Hour

I just watched the first Rush hour for the first time. Ahaha, oh man have I been missing out! The laugh is exactly what I needed!!I looove Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker, together they make awesome sauce.
So Like I promised to no-one in particular and myself. I am posting some art-like-things today.
The first Things I am posting are some Random "font" works I did for surface Design. I would be I bold faced Liar if I said it wasn't fun.
This is actually only a piece of it. The scanner was too small -ha! almost typed too big, that makes sense. Anyway I took the Lyrics from Doubt by Delphic, pretty rad band and illustrated them. The song was fairly repetitive so its was a challenge.
Anyway as I said it was a fun process and the top image is on a separate sheet entirely, whereas the two bottom images are a single sheet. If you didn't catch on already. Whatever lol.

So I think Tomorrow I am going to post the process of a painting I think I have worked out annnnd some portfolio work. Because I want to. As for Now Here is the song "doubt" by Delphic. The music Video is trippy but I like it :)



Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Portfolio-olo: Inspire

First Post of 2011 Wootwoot!!
Wanna know why I haven't been king this up? it's not because of my portfolio! lol
No, I lie that has been part of the problem. I Promise I've been hard at work! But seriously there has been stress: the roommate thing, the fact I don't have a job yet, and the momentum of my art mill. I'm just not producing as much as I would like, I know It's a bad habit to wait around for inspiration. The famous words of Chuck close haunt me still from the early years of high school. Yet I can't help but feel like I've been gutted and am currently recuperating.
Hm. I dunno what it is.

Anyways So until I get up some work, Which should be sometime Tomorrow. This is my inspiring music, according to my current mood.

Grizzly Bear- Ready,Able
(This Music Video is Fantastic. Must have take forever)
The XX- Shelter

Bjork- Who is it
She's So awesome (Check out "earth Intruders" as well)

and Finally Shiny Toy Guns- Don't Cry out
I felt like I went back in time with this one. Anyway that's all I have to give, along with the promise of pretty work ahead :D

Hope Everyone is feeling inspired.
