A little bit of this

My photo
I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My surgery was canceled
its rescheduled for may 12th.
Something about not having enough beds.
Either way talking bout it pisses me off, so I'm going to just pretend it was always in may!

Red Hair :D

My hair is Red again weeeee!
And I am On a rampage. Not only am I going completely stir Crazy
Buuut my hands are itching for a drawing and I don't know what it is.

I'm going downtown to lifedraw.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slowly going insane.

I don't know why or how but every time I 'move out' my room shrinks
its taking me forever to find places for all my things.

Bleh. Why can it just sort itself out?
Meantime my sister made me a sock monkey and I love her so much for it. I'm taking it with me to the hospital. its sitting with me right now as I type. anyway

The slowly going insane part is not only about my ro
om. I feel like at times I sound like an insane little baby with mommy issues but...My mother is insane. I think she's going through a midlife crisis, either way it's annoying.

So I am going to end this entry happily.

With this random-ass picture. that made me giggle


Well This point in my life does seem pivital....

This is my first official Blog since I don't know when.
The years have gone by so fast it's hard to keep track of everything.
I have made so many new friends seen new things, experienced new things That I...don't want to forget.
That's not the only reason for my blog though. I have a lot of things I kinda wanna show off like art, share music find people with common interests.

Anyways. This is just the beginning of something great. I have a feeling that come Monday everything is going to change.

I just hope it's for the better.