A little bit of this

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I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slowly going insane.

I don't know why or how but every time I 'move out' my room shrinks
its taking me forever to find places for all my things.

Bleh. Why can it just sort itself out?
Meantime my sister made me a sock monkey and I love her so much for it. I'm taking it with me to the hospital. its sitting with me right now as I type. anyway

The slowly going insane part is not only about my ro
om. I feel like at times I sound like an insane little baby with mommy issues but...My mother is insane. I think she's going through a midlife crisis, either way it's annoying.

So I am going to end this entry happily.

With this random-ass picture. that made me giggle


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