A little bit of this

My photo
I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

This is what I want my house to look like Guys.

This is the cutest bathroom everrrr. I have more pictures but I liked this one. I found the sweetest website with Modern furniture and design ideas. So awesome to look at, I'm pretty much saving all of it! Lol This is why I need to be rich and fast. I want everyone to own places like these. If I could get rich open a business and make it all affordable, then hell yes I will. Everyone needs to have a beautiful home. NAO

Just about the coolest Ceiling lights I have ever seen of all time :

The Sparks Modular Lighting System by German designer Daniel Becker

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So it's a on going obsession

I don't know why but I've always had a cupcake obsession, but not just cupcakes all cute dessert like things. I've alway had this desire to open up a cafe. Don't ask me why but It's always been there.
So Since I can't do that right now I've cultivated a mass amount of images and decided to make my cafe look-book.
I would most definitely serve parisian macaroons. This flavour especially because It just sound so tasty. Tasty to the point where I, Leah am going to make them. I found this wicked Baking supplies store in Waterloo called Ayres that offers a 10% discount to students! That bought my service ;D
So I was looking up some more cafes, Just to have a better Idea of what my dream cafe would look like. I stumbled upon this super cute and kinda crazy Tree house cafe in Japan. Of course Japan, but hey even if I hated sweets and coffee I would go inside out f sheer curiosity.

Today I did some baking at my Oma's with my sister today and it was mildly enjoyable. If I hadn't been so tired I would probably have enjoyed it more. Anyways I'm gonna keep looking cute things up on the internet. :3


Monday, December 20, 2010

Random Wall Art.

This is just things on my wall that I love and you should love too. All which has been created by me. Bitches.

this is probably the best photoshopped image. I have ever Created Digital Media can kiss my ass.

This is an excerpt From one of the best Comics I have ever made with another person. Lol

Random wall art all over my wall in Oakville. I have my very own Gallery.

here are The remaining Birthday invitations from the party that never happened. I actually took the time to make every single one only to have the art taken by some one I trusted. Fuck that Noise. and then there is a random card from my sisters birthday party 100 years ago. That I kept because its cute :3


So After having meticulously cleaned my Kitchen the day before, I decided to destroy it in a delicious explosion of sweet treats. I made cupcakes! Yay. A completely new recipe of cupcakes, I wanted to get rid of some stuff in my fridge and freezer Soo I played potions and made these.

I had made Strawberry Cupcakes with Cream Cheese icing. I'm not gonna lie they are furkin Delicious. I was pretty lazy with the icing part but it doesn't alter the taste in anyway. So heeee

I whip My hair Back and Forth

I love Willow Smith, She's the daughter I've always wanted.

Anyways I had the MOST relaxing weekend ever. It was honestly Glorious. I Clean the FUCK out of my apartment. There is no more Fucks on the floor. Lol I also made some new paingintgs for the living room.

The Top Picture is my Finished Works in the living room Which is SO CLEAN BECAUSE OF ME. I may tweak the paintings because I initially planned on leaving Monday or Tuesday, but ended up leaving Sunday. anyways That's what I did , apart from watching old movies and a newer one Which I enjoyed quite thoroughly.

It's called the horde and it's a dubbed Russian Zombie flick. I dunno bout you but I fucking loved it. You should look it up for definite. Probably the best modern-ish Zombie movie I've ever seen.

Modern-ish because Russian is technically a whole century or so behind us. Communism.

Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren't so great

Yeah I'm Quoting Fall out boy, and if you got beef then whatever. I'm not here to impress. One trend I will never get along with is the constant need to please people and be accepted. This is gonna be a sort of rant I suppose. It's probably going to sound narrow minded and childish, so if you don't want to read then don't.

You've been warned.

I'm sitting here sipping a vanilla cappuccino and thinking about my past year and what great times I had. I did have some pretty great times, but some pretty crappy friends (there are exceptions as in every case). I came to realize that nobody sticks around not matter what you say, or what you do. The "I'll always be there" is a complete line of shit, in the end you feel sullied and used.
I turned twenty this year, and on the night of my birthday the people that called themselves my friends didn't come, the people that actually were, were there even if only for a couple minutes it meant a lot to me. I know This sounds childish Believe me I know! But twenty is kinda a big deal to me. Imagine my situation, EVERYONE was willing to throw aside their plans when I said I was going to have a party. As soon as I canceled it, the true troopers stuck it out with me as the rest were suddenly busy. Funny how that works. Let me tell it was a real eye opener.
So in my two decades of living I learned this and this lesson: People are completely unreliable the few people that can trust are as following, Your parents and anyone else who is blood bound to you. Honestly family is all you got so treat it right, even if at the time they're annoying the crap out of you or you 'hate' them at that particular moment. Because Reality sucks and they are the reality.
Friend is a label like Hipster or Emo.

I usually write a blog like this round the time of New Years/ Christmas because that's the only time of year I actually have time to sit down and think for five minutes. So Now that I got the Amigo rant out I'm feeling pretty decent. The final beefs I have Are people stealing my concepts/ artwork and not even fucking saying anything. Like "Hey Leah I really like that Idea can I use it" Where I would politely be like "NO FUCK OFF" but that's not the point. You blatantly go head and Fucking USE MY ARTWORK. Gtfo right now, we are no longer friends or acquaintances. Which totally is the case now, I don't care what gifts you give or apologies you say. What's done is done and my trust is gone.

The second thing is the whole roomate Fiasco. I STILL don't understand how anyone can be so stupid. and that's really all I can say on that matter. You are fucking Dumb Mandi.

Aside From These Small irrelevancies My year has been pretty ballin. I got the surgery out of the way, I'll be getting my braces off soon. I've got a good feeling about 2011.

Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
It's always cloudy except for
When you look into the past


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sketch Book Tango

I Did some ditties in my Sketchbook, Soon I'll be able to Finnish far more. I have a couple unfinished drawings that I hope to finish up tons over the Xmas Holidays. I am so excite for relaxation TIME YEAH.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Art/image update

This is going to be a pretty pathetic Art update.
But bare with me, I have more coming since I vow to keep this shit going from now on.
the quality of the images Kinda suck because I took them with my phone. lol so again. Bare with me.
Some life drawing. I liked this one so I thought I would post it
This was A life drawing assignment. Drawing the muscles this is the work finished. And Below is the progress work. I feel I did rather well on this assignment.

Oh above are my wicked and nothing to do with art pocket Curtains. I got the from Ikea and I effin love them. I needed to share they are just so awesome. and below is my room, being a mess because I was working the chair has my painting on it, and I'm using it as an Easel and my wall I tacked up my Life drawing assignments. Yes welcome to my studio.
This is it for now. I have more but my Faja is demanding that I aid him with house-hold duties. Fiiiiiine. Lol

Whoa. Rewind

Every time I look at the date from the last time I posted. My eyes bleed, I am horrible at keeping up with Blogs and things because I have an actual Journal that I write my thoughts and whatnot it. So. That's my excuse.
Wow It's been a whole semester and a lot has happened, then again nothing because the 'a lot' happened over periods of weeks. Anyway Portfolio deadlines are coming up soon, and next week is the last week of the first semester. I still don't have a job in Oakville annnd My life-drawing has gradually improved since september. Which makes me happy
I am in hate with one of my roommates (hone
stly, I saw that coming) and I am in like with a beautiful boy who's face I rarely see ( that I didn't see coming >:S ). So I am currently floating in Limbo when it comes to an emotional state, but I can't really complain. By limbo I mean I am Content but wary because I never know when something is gonna turn around and bite me in the ass.
BUT that was just a general overall assessment not pertaining to this past week, which was absolutely fantastic. I can thank my Juvenile roommate for that, and I don't mean Dez. Mandi recently blew up over something that I ha
d asked that was so incredibly reasonable I was caught off guard. The reasonable aspect being my request, I asked her to shift her food in our freezer as to make room for Dez and me, and to get rid of her rotting food from the fridge and counter. R e a s o n a b l e Because it's gross and as for the freezer, Um, she has a mini fridge in her room so why is she still taking up absolutely all the space? Anyway She blew up and Tried to attack me with texts I got lots of my chest. but that's not the best part!!
She left me another note after harassing me via text Saying that she was the 'bigger Person' and that she was 'walking away' and leaving for a few day's to let me cool off. ROTFLCOPTER. She didn't realize how I deemed her pathetic the day before and laughed all day, and then laughed myself to sleep at her juvenile attempts at insulting me and making me angry.
Lol. The only thing that Did anger me is the fact that she broke my ps2. That pissed me right off, but I'm going to solve it. No problem.

Monday, The witch is going to melt, Ding dong :)

Anyway So I am totally excited for Christmas
and cannot wait for New Years, hopefully people will come to my NYE partyyyy :)
Look at that Happy snow In Ktown. My happy xmas tree. Yay! So excited, next week is the last week of school. Many artworks on the way!