A little bit of this

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I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren't so great

Yeah I'm Quoting Fall out boy, and if you got beef then whatever. I'm not here to impress. One trend I will never get along with is the constant need to please people and be accepted. This is gonna be a sort of rant I suppose. It's probably going to sound narrow minded and childish, so if you don't want to read then don't.

You've been warned.

I'm sitting here sipping a vanilla cappuccino and thinking about my past year and what great times I had. I did have some pretty great times, but some pretty crappy friends (there are exceptions as in every case). I came to realize that nobody sticks around not matter what you say, or what you do. The "I'll always be there" is a complete line of shit, in the end you feel sullied and used.
I turned twenty this year, and on the night of my birthday the people that called themselves my friends didn't come, the people that actually were, were there even if only for a couple minutes it meant a lot to me. I know This sounds childish Believe me I know! But twenty is kinda a big deal to me. Imagine my situation, EVERYONE was willing to throw aside their plans when I said I was going to have a party. As soon as I canceled it, the true troopers stuck it out with me as the rest were suddenly busy. Funny how that works. Let me tell it was a real eye opener.
So in my two decades of living I learned this and this lesson: People are completely unreliable the few people that can trust are as following, Your parents and anyone else who is blood bound to you. Honestly family is all you got so treat it right, even if at the time they're annoying the crap out of you or you 'hate' them at that particular moment. Because Reality sucks and they are the reality.
Friend is a label like Hipster or Emo.

I usually write a blog like this round the time of New Years/ Christmas because that's the only time of year I actually have time to sit down and think for five minutes. So Now that I got the Amigo rant out I'm feeling pretty decent. The final beefs I have Are people stealing my concepts/ artwork and not even fucking saying anything. Like "Hey Leah I really like that Idea can I use it" Where I would politely be like "NO FUCK OFF" but that's not the point. You blatantly go head and Fucking USE MY ARTWORK. Gtfo right now, we are no longer friends or acquaintances. Which totally is the case now, I don't care what gifts you give or apologies you say. What's done is done and my trust is gone.

The second thing is the whole roomate Fiasco. I STILL don't understand how anyone can be so stupid. and that's really all I can say on that matter. You are fucking Dumb Mandi.

Aside From These Small irrelevancies My year has been pretty ballin. I got the surgery out of the way, I'll be getting my braces off soon. I've got a good feeling about 2011.

Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
It's always cloudy except for
When you look into the past


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