A little bit of this

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I'm an aspiring artists and I don't just mean drawings.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Whoa. Rewind

Every time I look at the date from the last time I posted. My eyes bleed, I am horrible at keeping up with Blogs and things because I have an actual Journal that I write my thoughts and whatnot it. So. That's my excuse.
Wow It's been a whole semester and a lot has happened, then again nothing because the 'a lot' happened over periods of weeks. Anyway Portfolio deadlines are coming up soon, and next week is the last week of the first semester. I still don't have a job in Oakville annnd My life-drawing has gradually improved since september. Which makes me happy
I am in hate with one of my roommates (hone
stly, I saw that coming) and I am in like with a beautiful boy who's face I rarely see ( that I didn't see coming >:S ). So I am currently floating in Limbo when it comes to an emotional state, but I can't really complain. By limbo I mean I am Content but wary because I never know when something is gonna turn around and bite me in the ass.
BUT that was just a general overall assessment not pertaining to this past week, which was absolutely fantastic. I can thank my Juvenile roommate for that, and I don't mean Dez. Mandi recently blew up over something that I ha
d asked that was so incredibly reasonable I was caught off guard. The reasonable aspect being my request, I asked her to shift her food in our freezer as to make room for Dez and me, and to get rid of her rotting food from the fridge and counter. R e a s o n a b l e Because it's gross and as for the freezer, Um, she has a mini fridge in her room so why is she still taking up absolutely all the space? Anyway She blew up and Tried to attack me with texts I got lots of my chest. but that's not the best part!!
She left me another note after harassing me via text Saying that she was the 'bigger Person' and that she was 'walking away' and leaving for a few day's to let me cool off. ROTFLCOPTER. She didn't realize how I deemed her pathetic the day before and laughed all day, and then laughed myself to sleep at her juvenile attempts at insulting me and making me angry.
Lol. The only thing that Did anger me is the fact that she broke my ps2. That pissed me right off, but I'm going to solve it. No problem.

Monday, The witch is going to melt, Ding dong :)

Anyway So I am totally excited for Christmas
and cannot wait for New Years, hopefully people will come to my NYE partyyyy :)
Look at that Happy snow In Ktown. My happy xmas tree. Yay! So excited, next week is the last week of school. Many artworks on the way!

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